Koalas on the Green

Green Standard

Going Green

Golf courses around Australia are in a unique position to become leaders in responsible environmental stewardship.

Going Wild

They are often the largest tracts of private land in a suburb and can provide valuable habitat, food sources and wildlife corridors for our native species. As urban development continues to eat away at areas of wildlife habitat, golf courses can play a vital role in the conservation of our unique wildlife for generations to come.

Golfing Green Standard

The future of golf courses is Green.

Going Green and Clean

Golf courses also have the opportunity to create clean and safe environments for members, staff, the surrounding community including our wildlife free of harmful synthetic chemicals that over time can have a cumulative effect on the health of humans, wildlife and the environment.

The Golfing Green Standard

We are developing a national environmental ‘Green Standard’ for golf courses with some of the criteria being:

• are the ‘off play’ areas of the grounds fully utilised with native endemic plantings to provide refuge, habitat, food sources, and wildlife corridors.

• does the golf club actively engage members and the local community in on-the-ground environmental activities such as tree planting days or in education and awareness such as a newsletter that encourages reporting of wildlife spotted on the grounds.

• has the golf club converted to a totally organic ground maintenance regime to restore the natural balance of the soil, reduce maintenance costs, and safeguard patrons, staff and the surrounding community and resident wildlife from harmful synthetic chemicals?

Creating clean healthy environments

Synthetic chemical-free golf courses that provide safe environments for human and animal communities is the future as golf courses become better environmental stewards.

Benefits of Going Wild and Green

The benefits of ‘going wild and green’ are many, and include:

• providing a healthy environment for everyone including wildlife.

• Australia is the only place in the world where you can play a game of golf and spot a koala on the green or see kangaroos as you tee off. We have the opportunity to really promote our golf courses through its unique natural Australian wildlife.

• be seen as a responsible steward of the land and closer ties with community.

• converting to a totally organic maintenance regime will as nature finds its balance mean less maintenance and input costs.

Want To Know More?

The future of golf courses is Green. For more information on how we can assist you in getting your Koalas or Wildlife on the Green program going or if you want to know more about saving on maintenance costs by going totally organic, then contact us.